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Tatanka Pratishtha by Shri Bhagavatpada and the Kamakoti Peetadhipati-s of His lineage

As Shri Shankara Bhagavatpada says in the Saundaryalahari “तव जननि ताटङ्क-महिमा”, the earrings of Jagadambika benefit not only Her consort but also spell the welfare of the entire world. 

Hence Shri Adi Shankaracharya adorned special earrings to Devi Akhilandeshvari at Tiruvanaikka in Shri Chakra form for the world’s welfare. This is evident by His epithet ‘श्रीचक्रात्मक-ताटङ्क-पोषिताम्बा-मनोरथः”. A reference to the Tatankas also occur in the Matruka Pushpamala Stava dedicated to Akhilandeshvari as “यति-कृत-श्रीचक्र-भूषोज्ज्वले”.

Whenever these special earrings needed repair, the traditional authority to do so belonged exclusively to the Jagadgurus of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Mulamnaya Sarvajna Peetham established by Shri Bhagavatpada. As per the authority vested on them over the times, details of the Tatanka Pratishtha done by the Kamakoti Peetadhipati-s over the past few centuries are:

Shankara Samvatsara 2195, CE 1686 Akshaya Year – 59th Jagadguru
Shankara Samvatsara 2266, CE 1757 Ishvara Year – 62nd Jagadguru
Shankara Samvatsara 2355, CE 1846 Parabhava Year – 64th Jagadguru with the 65th Jagadguru in Purvashrama assisting
Shankara Samvatsara 2416, CE 1908 Plavanga Year – 68th Jagadguru
Shankara Samvatsara 2432, CE 1923 Rudirodgari Year – 68th Jagadguru
Shankara Samvatsara 2500, CE 1992 Prajapati Year – 69th Jagadguru with the 70th Jagadguru
Shankara Samvatsara 2533, CE 2025 (Feb 16) Krodhi Year – 70th Jagadguru 

Composition of current text

To commemorate the Tatanka Pratishtha of CE 1923 by the 68th Jagadguru, a Samskrita kavya text “Shrimad Akhilandeshvari Tatanka Pratishtha Mahotsava Champu” was composed that very year. It was done by Painganadu Panchapagesha Shastrigal, brother and disciple of Painganadu Ganapati Shastrigal who was a vidya guru to this Acharya Swamigal. It was published by Vani Vilas Press, Shrirangam. It comprises of a mixture of prose and poetry in six chapters or stabakas.

To celebrate the Tatanka Pratishtha being performed by the 70th Jagadguru in CE 2025, this text is being published after about 102 years with Tamil and English translations.


First Stabaka:

The 68th Acharya sets out on a vijaya yatra from Kumbhaghonam. The pujakas of Thiruvanaikaval and others submit to Him about the condition of the tatankas (earrings) of the Goddess and inform him of the Matham’s traditional rights. He assures them and continues His journey, saying everything will happen according to the Mother’s sankalpa at the right time.

Second Stabaka:

While the Jagadguru was staying at Swamimalai, a jewel-like devotee and jewel merchant by name Sadashiva Thakar prays for the opportunity to perform this service. The Jagadguru blesses him. He then proceeds to Pattukottai and based on a request from a shishya by name Ekamra, conducts the Vyasa Puja for the year in Avudaiyar Koil.

Third Stabaka:

From there the Jagadguru visits Shri Rama Setu for Mahodaya Punyakala. At Rameshvaram, Natesayyar a great devotee receives orders to arrange invitations for the tatanka pratishta. The Acharya performs worship alone inside the Ramanatha Swami sannidhi in accordance with the traditional rights vested with the Shri Kamakoti Peetam.

Fourth Stabaka:

The Jagadguru visits Ramanathapuram and blesses the Setupati who was devoted to him. Following requests from devotees He then proceeds to Madurai. At this Madhura Kshetra also He worships alone inside the Swami sannidhi again in accordance with the traditional rights vested with the Shri Kamakoti Peetam.

Fifth Stabaka:

Jagadguru issues orders to Kandaswami Iyer and others for printing invitations, and directs Thepperumanallur Annadanam Sivan to arrange the food for the utsavam. He then visits Tenkasi, Papanasam, Kallidaikurichi, Tirunelveli, from there proceeds to Pudukkottai, and then Palani. After worshipping Skanda at Palani, He goes to Kiranur, and reaches Thiruvanaikaval via Maathoor.

The final portion of this chapter describes how the town prepares for the arrival of the Swamigal.

Sixth Stabaka:

At Thiruvanaikaval, the Swamigal stays in the renovated Jagadguru Vidyasthanam and performs Chandramaulishvara puja. 

How Annadanam Sivan has streamlinedly arranged the honourable task of meal arrangements,  and how the atmosphere is continuously filled with vakyartha-s, Veda ghosha, Bhagavatam, music, and instruments is described. 

Sadashiva Thakar presents the repaired ornament to the Jagadguru, who places it in the Chandramaulishvara Puja. As the auspicious time for the Tatanka Pratishtha approaches, disciples gather together to witness the grand event. The Acharya slowly goes inside amidst the crowd. He praises Akhilandeshvari with a garland of five jewel-like verses and then adorns Her ears with the earrings.


This work provides an important historical record for the times past and attests to the traditional rights and practices of the Shrimatham. It is noteworthy that Shri Panchapagesha Shastrigal was a vidvan who was much senior in age to the then young Jagadguru. Due to this also, these recordings are important evidences to understand these traditions.

We are thankful to Siddhanvazhoor Rajagopala Shastrigal and his son Shrirama Shastrigal for providing us with a scanned copy of this work.