
जगद्गुरुवरोऽथ स प्रथितवैभवाढ्यो निजं
प्रधानमधिकारिणं स्वकसमीपमाहूय तम् ।
क्रमेण जययात्रया बहिरटाम ईशाज्ञया
चलेदगतनूभुवो महितकर्णभूषोत्सवः ॥ १ ॥
इति श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरः सङ्कल्पयति, तस्माद्विजययात्रोचितं सर्वमपि साधनं सज्जीकृत्य, नातिविलम्बेन प्रस्थानोचित-सुमुहूर्तोऽपि निर्णीयतामिति समादिशत् ।
सर्वाधिकारी, “तथैव सज्जीकरोमि शीघ्रं सर्वम्” इति गृहीताज्ञः, स्वीय कार्यालयमासाद्य, सर्वेषामपि निदेशकारिणां निकटे एवमाज्ञापयत् ।
Then the renowned and illustrious Jagadguru, called His administrator to His presence and ordered: “Let us leave for vijaya yātra from place to place. As per Ishvara Ajna the utsava of Ambika’s Tatanka Pratishtha will happen. Thus is the sankalpa of Chandramaulishvara. Therefore after making all arrangements suitable for the vijaya yatra, let the auspicious time for departure also be decided without much delay.” The administrator having received these orders saying “I shall prepare everything quickly” reached his office and instructed all the others.
श्रीताटङ्कयुगस्य किञ्चिचिदधुना जीर्णस्य तस्यार्थितः
शिष्यैरुद्धरणाय भक्तिभरितैः श्रीदेशिकेन्द्रो भृशम् ।
कारुण्याकुलमानसः सपदि तत्सम्प्रार्थनासक्तहृद्
भूत्वाऽस्माच्च बहिः करिष्यति जयां यात्रां जनान् रक्षितुम्॥
अतः, श्रीविजययात्रायोग्यसामग्रयः सकला अपि त्वरितमेव सन्नद्धा भवन्तु” इति ।
So: “The great guru, His mind filled with compassion, having immediately accepted the earnest request of His devoted disciples who sought to restore the somewhat worn sacred ear ornaments, will undertake a vijaya yatra to protect the people. “Therefore, let all materials suitable for the sacred vijaya yatra be prepared quickly.”
भृत्याः पूर्वमेव सिद्धानि भवन्ति निखिलान्यपि साधनानीति न्यवेदयन् ॥ सर्वाधिकारी, सद्यः, विपश्चिदपश्चिमैः विजययात्रोचितं प्रशस्ततरं कमपि मुहूर्तं निश्चित्य श्रीजगद्गुरुसन्निधावपि व्यजिज्ञपत् ॥ श्रीगुरुसार्वभौमोऽपि तथैव क्रियतामिति अङ्गीचकार ।
The attendants reported that all arrangements were all ready. Immediately, the administrator together with leading scholars determined an auspicious time suitable for the vijaya yatra and submitted at the Jagadguru’s presence. The Guru of the entire world also approved it saying “May it be so”.
अथ, कदाचित्स्वीयश्रीताटङ्कप्रतिष्ठामहोत्सवकरणाय श्रीपरदेवतया प्रेरित इव, निखिलभुवनक्षेमङ्करे शुभकरे मुहूर्तवरे, श्रीजगद्गुरुवरः विजययात्रया स्वास्थानाच्छ्रीमठान्निर्गत्य तत्रैव पट्टणे तदाराधनार्थमहमहमिकया बहुषु शिष्यगणेषु प्रार्थयत्सु सत्सु तत्रैव मासचतुष्टयं निवसन् यथोचितं सर्वानपि परिपूर्णमनोरथान् व्यतानीत् ॥
Then, as if impelled by the goddess, for conducting her own tatanka pratishtha installation ceremony, the great Jagadguru departed from His matam, on a vijaya yatra at an auspicious time that would bring welfare to all worlds. When many groups of disciples eagerly requested Him to stay in that very city for His worship, He resided there for four months and fulfilled everyone’s wishes appropriately.”
एतस्मिन् समये समीपविलसद्ग्रामस्थिता आस्तिका
नीत्वा क्षेमकरं जगद्गुरुवरं ग्रामं निजं सादरम् ।
देशं नश्च नृजन्मसाधुविभवं चाचार्यपादार्चनात्
कार्यं सार्थमिति स्वयं समुदितश्रद्धाभरैर्मेनिरे ॥ ३ ॥
At this time, the astikas living in neighboring villages, brought the benevolent Jagadguru to their own villages with respect, considered their village and the merit of their having taken human birth became meaningful through worship of the Acharya’s feet.
ततः क्रमेण तत्तद्ग्रामादागतानां मूर्तिमद्भक्तिश्रद्धे इवोज्ज्वलानां प्रार्थयतां छात्रसार्थानां प्रार्थनामुररीकृत्य तद्ग्रामानलङ्कृत्य तदिष्टानुसारं तत्र तत्र त्रीणि चत्वारि पञ्च षडिति दिनानि च क्वचिदेकवारं क्वचिद्वारद्वयं कुत्रचिन्मासमेकं च व्यभूषयत ।
Then, gradually accepting the requests of shishyas who came from those villages, radiant as if devotion and faith personified, He graced those villages and stayed there according to their wishes – adorned some places for three, four, and some places 5,6 days, some places a week, some two, and some for a month.
गुरुवररचितं तत्पूतमद्वैतभाष्यं
गुरुवरकृपयैव प्राप्यमित्यात्तभक्त्या ।
शरणमुपगतानां शुद्धचित्तोज्ज्वलानां
क्वचन गुरुवरोऽसावन्वगृह्णात्समोदम् ॥ ४ ॥
The pristine Advaita Bhashyam written by the revered Guru (Shri Bhagavatpada), is to be obtained only through the guru’s grace – Thus with devotion for those pure-hearted devotees who had taken refuge in him, the Acharya bestowed them with (that ie the Bhashya paaṭham) with delight.
अपि च-
भक्तिपूर्वं क्वचित्साधु वर्णाश्रमाचार-
योग्यो विभो बोधनीयोऽधुना ।
धर्म इत्यर्थितः शिष्यबृन्देन
सोपादिशद्देशिकेन्द्रो दयावारिधिः ॥ ५ ॥
Moreover – When requested by groups of devoted disciples saying ‘O Bhagavan! The dharma appropriate to the practice of varnas and ashramas should now be properly taught” – That ocean of compassion, the great Acharya, expounded that
कुहचित्स्थले पवित्रे स्थित्वैकान्ते परे स्वरूपे स्वे ।
संलग्नमना गुरुराट् समाधिवृत्त्या व्यराजदखिलेड्यः ॥
क्वचित्तत्र तत्र स्थितं राजमानं महेशं रमेशं गणेशं गुहं च ।
सहैवात्मशिष्यैर्गतो देशिकेन्द्रो मुदाऽसेवतैष प्रकॢप्तोपचारः॥
In some sacred places, staying in solitude, the king of gurus fit to be worshipped by all remained absorbed in samadhi – with His mind fixed on His own supreme nature. At various places, accompanied by His own disciples, the great teacher joyfully worshipped the resplendent Mahesha (Shiva), Ramesha (Vishnu), Ganesha, and Guha (Skanda), with appropriate offerings.
कुत्रचित्सामान्यशास्त्रवाक्यार्थवर्णनेन अपरत्र निकटतटाटीकमानविनमत्पटु-वटुकूटेभ्यः तदुचितेन धर्मोपदेशेन इतरत्र स्वसेवनागतचण्डपण्डितषण्डवर्णित वाक्यार्थपरिशोधनेन च परत्र पुण्यतीर्थयात्रया च समयमनैषीत् ।
In some places He spent time explaining shastra passages for all, elsewhere giving appropriate religious instructions to groups of intelligent brahmacharis at the nearby pond, and in other places correcting the meanings of vakyarthas said by groups of fierce panditas who came to serve him, and elsewhere by pilgrimages to holy places.
एतस्मिन्समये कुलक्रमागतप्राभवः अनर्घरत्नपरीक्षाचण्डपाण्डित्ययुक्तः धर्मनिकर इव मूर्तिमान् आमध्यमलोकविख्यातनिर्मलयशोलङ्कृतः सकलजनश्लाघ्य सद्वृत्तोज्ज्वलः स्वशरीरदर्शनमात्रेणाविष्कृतमहापुरुषलक्षणः चेन्ननगरीशेखरीभूतः श्रीसदाशिवठाकराख्यः भूसुरवरः श्रीमदखिलाण्डेश्वरीताटङ्कप्रतिष्ठार्थं विजययात्रया बहिर्निर्गतः श्रीलोकगुरुशङ्करभगवत्पादाचार्यवर्य इति कर्णाकर्णिकया श्रुत्वा एतादृशे लोकक्षेमङ्करे श्रीपरदेवताकैङ्कर्ये प्रधानभूतं श्रीताटङ्कपरिष्काररूपं कार्यं स्वेन करणीयमिति श्रीपराशक्तिसम्भृतनैसर्गिकभक्त्या धर्मकार्यसञ्जातश्रद्धया च सद्यः श्रीमदाचार्यचरणसरसिजसंसेवनोचितपरिकरेण साकं श्रीगुरुसन्निधिरधिगन्तव्य इति कृतनिश्चयो बभूव ॥
At this time, the great Sadashiva Thakar – who had through hereditary skills the expertise in examining priceless gems, an intent dharmika and adorned with pure fame known throughout the world of humans, endowed with good conduct praised by all people, and revealed the marks of a great person merely by the sight of his body – He the crown jewel of Chennai city, hearing by word of mouth that the venerable Jagadguru Shankara Bhagavatpadacharya that had set out on a victory tour in preparation for installing the ornaments of Sri Akhilandeshvari, he became resolved to reach the presence of the guru with appropriate arrangements to serve the lotus feet of the venerable Jagadguru, thinking that this primary task of repairing the sacred ornaments, that is foremost in the divine service that brings welfare to the world should be done by him. He resolved thus to come to the sannidhi of the Jagadguru with this desire to offer service appropriate to the lotus feet of the guru.
सद्यः स्वीयजनैश्च चेन्ननगरान्निष्क्रम्य सद्भक्तिकैः
क्षेत्रं सद्गुरुभूषितं स्वयमगाच्छ्रीस्वामिनाथोज्ज्वलम् ।
ज्ञात्वा श्रीगुरुसेवनाय समयं योग्यं सहैवागतै-
र्गत्वा तन्निकटं प्रणाममकरोत्सोऽयं प्रसादाप्तये ॥
Immediately departing Chennai with his own attendants, he himself went to the radiant shrine of Sri Swaminatha (Swamimalai) that was adorned by His guru. Knowing the suitable time for serving the Jagadguru, he went near Him with those who came along and prostrated to obtain His grace.
आलोक्य तं प्रभुवरं दृढभक्तियुक्तं
मन्दस्मितोज्ज्वलमुखः करुणार्द्रदृष्टिः ।
नारायणस्मरणपूर्वमनुग्रहं तं
तस्मै व्यधात्गुरुवरः स महान्समोदम् ॥ ८ ॥
Seeing that good devotee filled with firm devotion, the great Acharya, His face bright with a gentle smile and His eyes moist with compassion, joyfully bestowed anugraha upon him with Narayana smaranam.
एवं प्रणम्योत्थितं सदाशिवचरणारविन्द-द्वन्द्वविधृतामन्द-भक्ति-भास्वरं सदाशिवाभिलाषिणं सदाशिवठाकराख्यं साञ्जलिबन्धं तं शिष्यशिरोमणिं स्वसमीपे समुपवेशयत् समुचिते स्थाने भुवनगुरुसार्वभौमः ॥
In this manner, when the foremost shishya named Sadashiva Thakar, ever radiant with intense devotion to lotus feet of Sadashiva, and keen on doing good, stood with folded hands after prostrating, that supreme Jagadguru gave him a seat near himself in an appropriate place.
गुरुवरः – अपि कुशलं सर्वेषाम् ?
सदाशिवः – लोकक्षेमदानैकबद्धदीक्षाणां तत्रभवताम् अव्याजानुग्रहपात्रीभूतानां मादृशशिष्यसार्थानाम् कथम् अकुशलवार्तायाः प्रसक्तिः ।
गुरुवरः – किमिदानीं चेन्ननगरादेवागम्यते ।
सदाशिवः – तस्मादेव ।
श्रीगुरुवरः – श्रीचन्द्रमौळीश्वरदर्शनार्थमेव वा ?
सदाशिवः – श्रीमहास्वामिनामनुग्रहम् आज्ञां च लब्धुम् ।
श्रीगुरुवरः – श्रीचन्द्रमौळीश्वरप्रसादलाभेनैव अस्मदनुग्रहोऽपि सिद्ध एव । नायमर्थः पृथक् प्रयत्नमपेक्षेत । सन्ततमस्मदभिमततरे सकलजनहितकरे सत्कार्ये प्रवृत्तिमासेदुषो भवादृशोऽपि आज्ञाकाङ्क्षा कस्मै? अथवा आचार्यानुमतिपुरःसरमेव कार्यमिति स्वीयशिष्यधर्मपरिपालनायेति भाति । भवतु, कं विषयमुद्दिश्याज्ञाप्रतीक्षा?
Jagadguru: Is everyone well?
Sadashiva: “How could there be any mention of misfortune for disciples like me who are worthy recipients of unconditional anugraha from you, who are dedicated exclusively for bestowing welfare upon the world?”
Jagadguru: Are you now coming from Chennai?
Sadashiva: Yes, from there.
Jagadguru: For darshanam of Shri Chandramaulishvara?
Sadashiva: Also to obtain the anugraha and benevolent command of the Mahaswami.
Jagadguru: Through obtaining Sri Chandramaulisvara’s anugraha, our anugraha is also accomplished. This matter doesn’t require separate effort. When you are engaged in beneficial work that we constantly approve of and which brings welfare to all people, what do you seek permission for? Possibly it is to preserve your dharma as a shishya to take approval from the guru. Very well, regarding what matter do you await permission?
सदाशिवः – ( उत्थाय सप्रश्रयं साञ्जलिबन्धं च )
सङ्कल्पं च विधाय तत्रभवता पूताखिलाण्डेश्वरी-
ताटङ्कोद्धरणाय तन्यत इयं प्रख्यातयात्राधुना ।
सर्वेषां कुशलाय लोकगुरुराट्स्थाने भृशं भास्वता
शिष्यव्रातकृतार्थनां करुणया स्वीकृत्य देव्याः कृते ॥
इत्थमाकर्ण्य लोकोक्तया समुत्थितकुतूहलः ।
सम्पदां मे च सार्थक्यं सम्पादयितुमागमम् ॥ ९ ॥
श्रीगुरुवरः – अस्मिन्समये इदं कार्यमेवं करणीयमिति नास्माभिः सङ्कल्पितः । किं तु प्राचीनाचार्यसम्प्रदायमनुसृत्य पुण्यक्षेत्रनिवासपुण्यतीर्थस्नानस्वामिदर्शनादिकं कार्य-मुद्दिश्य बहिर्विजययात्रया प्रस्थितं साम्प्रतम् । यदिदानीमेव स्वीयं ताटङ्कप्रतिष्ठाकार्यं पूरणीयमिति श्रीपरदेवतायाः सङ्कल्पः स्यात्, तदा तदपि चलतु इत्येव ममाभिप्रायः । श्रीताटङ्कप्रतिष्ठामहोत्सवकरणबद्धादरैः लोकैः पुनः एतदर्थमेव विजययात्रास्वीकृतेति तत्र तत्र महानुद्घोषः क्रियते । तत्त्वं पुनरुक्तमेव ।
सदाशिवः – श्रीपराशक्तिसङ्कल्पानुगुणमेव कार्यसिद्धिर्भवेत् । न मादृशैः सामान्यजनैर्मनसाप्यन्यथाचिन्तयितुमपि शक्यते । अथापि तद्विषयं किमपि कैङ्कर्ये विधातुं तत्रभवदीयशासनानुग्रहलाभाय श्रीमत्सन्निधिं प्राप्तोऽस्मि । तदनुग्राह्योऽयं जन इति ॥
Sadashiva: (Rising respectfully with folded hands) “Having learnt of the resolution, made by you who shine radiantly in the Pitham of Jagadguru (Shankara Bhagavatpada) for everyone’s welfare and have now begun this famous yatra for restoring Akhilandeshvari’s ear ornaments that shine brilliantly and Accepting out of compassion for the sake of the Goddess and fulfilling the requests of groups of disciples. Hearing this through people’s words my desire arose, And I have come to make my wealth meaningful.
Jagadguru: At this time, we have not resolved that this work should be done in this way. Rather, following the ancient Jagadguru’s tradition, we have now set out on an vijaya yatra for the purpose of residing in holy kshetras, bathing in sacred tirthas, having darshan of Bhagavan, etc. If it is now that the Supreme Goddess’s wish that her ear ornament installation work should be completed, then let that also proceed – This is my intention. People eager to conduct the great festival of installing the sacred ear ornaments are proclaiming everywhere that the vijaya yatra was undertaken for this very purpose. But the truth is what I have said.
Sadashiva: The completion of this work should be in accordance with the Paradevata’s will. Ordinary people like myself cannot even think otherwise in our minds. Nevertheless, I have come to the sannidhanam’s sacred presence to obtain your command and anugraham to perform some service in this matter. May this person be blessed with your grace.
श्रीगुरुवरः – कीदृशं तत्कैङ्कर्यम् ?
सदाशिवः – श्रीमदखिलाण्डनायिकायाः श्रीताटङ्कयुगस्य तत्रभवदाज्ञानुसारं यथाशक्तिसम्यक्परिष्करणरूपमेव ।
श्रीगुरुवरः – श्रीपराशक्तिरेव स्वकार्यपूर्तये भवन्तं प्रावर्तयदिति प्रतिभाति । एतादृशकार्यं सर्वदास्मान्निमित्तीकृत्य भवादृशशिष्यसमूहैरेवानुष्ठेयम् । प्रकृतविषये इदमेव प्रधानं कार्यं एतच्च निर्दोषरत्ननिचयकल्पनीयतया तादृशरत्नपरीक्षादक्षेण सम्यक् कर्तुं शक्यते ।
सदाशिवः –
नाहं सम्यक्कर्तुं पण्डित इति मे मतिस्तथापि तया ।
देव्यां सहजोद्भवया भक्त्या कृष्टः प्रयत्नमिह करवै ॥
श्रीगुरुवरः – सन्ततविनयविभूषणस्य भवतः नैसर्गिक एवायं व्यवहारः एतत्कार्यकरणे त्वमेवार्ह इति लोकाभिप्रायं निरोद्धुं कथं शक्यते । पूर्वं स्वयमेवागत्य प्रार्थनाकरणेन एतत्कैङ्कर्यं भवन्मुखेनैव स्वस्याः करणीयमिति श्रीजगन्मातुरभिमतोऽपि स्यादिति मन्ये । भवतु तथैव (इत्यन्वग्रहीत्) ।
सदाशिवः – (सद्यः श्रीजगदाचार्यचरणनलिनयोः प्रणिपत्य) अधुनैवास्मत्कुलं पवित्रमासीत्, अर्थश्च सार्थः, जन्म च मे सफलं, यस्मात् सत्स्वपि बहुशिष्यगणेषु मदीयजन्मान्तरीयसुचरितनिचयैः एतादृशपुण्यकैङ्कर्यनिर्वहणे श्रीपरमाचार्यानुग्रहोऽपि लब्धः।
श्रीगुरुवरः – भवादृशानामास्तिकशिखामणीनाम् आजानसिद्धगुरुदेवताभक्तिभूषितानां नैतद् दुर्लभम् ।
सदाशिवः – अधुनैव धन्योऽस्मि ।
Jagadguru: What is that service?
Sadashiva: It is simply the proper repair of Sri Akhilandanayika’s pair of ear ornaments according to your commands, to the best of my ability.
Jagadguru: It appears that the Supreme Shakti herself has inspired you for accomplishing her work. Such work should always be performed by disciples like yourself, using us as the instrumental cause. In the present matter, this is indeed the main task, and as it requires flawless gems, it can be properly done by one skilled in examining such gems.
Sadashiva: I do not think I am learned enough to do it properly. Nevertheless, drawn by natural devotion to the Goddess, I shall make the effort here.
Jagadguru: It is indeed natural as you are adorned with humility. How is it possible to resist the public opinion that you alone are worthy of doing this task? I think it is perhaps the wish of Jaganmata that this service should be done through you, as shown by your coming forward to ask about it yourself. So be it.
Sadashiva: (Prostrating now at the lotus feet of the world’s teacher) My lineage has become purified, my wealth has become meaningful, and my birth has become fruitful! Because through the accumulation of good deeds from my previous births, I have obtained the grace of the Jagadguru for carrying out such sacred service, even though there are many groups of disciples.”
Jagaduru: This is not difficult for those like yourself who are jewels among the astikas, adorned with devotion to guru and devata. That is established beyond doubt.”
Sadashiva: Now, I consider myself blessed.
श्रीगुरुवरः “अस्मात्प्रतिनिवर्तनसमये श्रीजम्बुनाथक्षेत्रमासाद्य श्रीजम्बुनाथाखिलाण्डेश्वरीदर्शनादिकं विधाय तत्पूजकमुखेन ताटङ्कयुगळमपि यथापरिष्करणयोग्यं सम्यक् वीक्ष्य सौकर्यानुसारं गम्यताम्” इत्यवादीत् ।
सदाशिवः “गृहीतः शिरसा श्रीमदनुग्रहः” इति सप्रणामं प्रसादं गृहीत्वा प्राप्तानुज्ञो बहिरयासीत् ।
तत्र स्थित्वा दिनयुगमथ श्रीजगद्देशिकेन्द्रा-
दाप्तानुज्ञो विमलसरितालङ्कृतं सह्यपुत्र्या ।
क्षेत्रं तादृग्लषितफलदं जम्बुनाथीयमाप्य
श्रीमच्छम्भुं व्यनमदखिलाण्डेश्वरीं दिव्यमूर्तिम् ॥
निवसन्दिनमेकमत्र मोदा
दपि ताटङ्कयुगं निरीक्ष्य सम्यक् ।
स्वपुरं प्रतिपद्य चाम्बिकाया
अतनोद्यत्नमसौ हि पुण्यकार्ये ॥ १२ ॥
अथ गुरुवर एष क्षेत्रवर्याण्यटन् स्वै-
र्विनयभरितशिष्यैः प्रार्थितो भक्तिपूर्वम् ।
न्नभजदतिविशालं क्षौमसालं पुरं तत् ॥ १३ ॥
Jagaduru: While returning from here, reach the shrine of Sri Jambunatha, have darshan of Sri Jambunatha and Akhilandeshvari, and after properly examining through the priest the pair of ear ornaments as suitable for repair, proceed as per your convenience.
Sadashiva said “I accept your anugraha with reverence” and received the anugraha with prostrations, obtaining permission, he left. Then after staying there for two days, having obtained permission from the Jagadguru, reaching that sacred Jambunatha shrine adorned by the pure river – Sahya’s daughter (Kaveri), he bowed to the divine murtis of Shambhu and Akhilandeshvari who bestow desired phala.
Staying there happily for a day and examining duly the pair of ear ornaments, returning to his city, he (Sadashiva Taakar) began his effort in this sacred work for Ambika.
Then the revered Acharya, devotedly requested by humble disciples to travel to excellent holy places, making all people immerse in an ocean of enthusiasm, reached that vast city of Pattukottai.
तत्र च दक्षिणदेशशेखरीभूतः सहजसञ्जातश्रीगुरुचरणसरोजभक्तिः प्राक्कृतश्रीमदाचार्यवर्यव्यासपूजापरिचर्यालब्धश्रेयोऽभिवृद्धिः स्वशासनाधीनीकृततद्देशीयजननिकरः प्रवर्तयिता गोष्ठीनाम् अग्रगण्यो धैर्यशालिनां श्रीमदात्मनाथक्षेत्रालङ्कारभूतः एकाम्रनामा शिष्यशिखामणिः श्रीजगदाचार्यपादसरोजमूलमाश्रित्य कृतानेकप्रणामपूर्वकम् एतद्वार्षिकश्रीव्यासपूजामहोत्सवं श्रीमदात्मनाथक्षेत्र एव विधाय तत्रत्याः सर्वेऽपि अनुग्राह्याः इति प्रार्थयाञ्चकार ।
श्रीगुरुवरः “एतादृशकार्यनिर्वहणश्रमः प्रागनुभूतचरः भवता। अतः नाधिकं वक्तव्यं श्रीचन्द्रमौळीश्वरसङ्कल्पानुसारं भवदिष्टसिद्धिर्भवेद्” इति प्रसादं दत्त्वाऽन्वग्रहीत् । सोऽपि महता मोदेन स्वं ग्राममासाद्य पूर्वमनुभूततया श्रीपूजाब्राह्मणसमाराधनादीनां योग्यं यद्यत्करणीयं तत्कर्तुमारभत ।
अथ गुरुवर एष क्षौमसाले जनाना-
मभिमतमनुसृत्य स्वल्पकालं च नीत्वा ।
गमनसरणिमध्ये प्राप्य किञ्चिद्विलम्बं
विमलमभजदाशु ह्यात्मनाथस्थलं तत् ॥ १४ ॥
तत्रस्थाः शिष्यवर्गाः गुरुवरचरणे प्रार्थयन्भक्तिपूर्वं
“कार्या याऽऽचार्यवर्येह शरदि महिता पुण्यदा सेवितॄणाम् ।
क्षेत्रेऽस्मिन्नात्मनाथक्षपितकलिमले पूतपूते मनोज्ञे
कृत्वा तां व्यासपूजां कलय जनचयान् धन्यधन्यानिहस्थान् ॥”
ततः एकाम्राख्येन शिष्येण स्वनिवासाय सज्जीकृतं समुचितं स्थानम् अधिगम्य तद्दिनकृत्यमखिलमपि नियममन्वतिष्ठदाचार्यवर्यः ।
अन्येद्युर्लसदात्मनाथसदने श्रीव्यासपूजाकृते
बाह्ये वातपुरीशसन्निधिगते रम्ये महामण्डपे ।
जातीचम्पकमल्लिकादिकुसुमैः सम्यकृतालङ्कृति-
स्थानं मञ्जुतमं सुगन्धभरितं सज्जीकृतं चोषसि ॥ १६ ॥
There, a devotee named Ekaamra chief among His shishyas who was well- known in the southern region (ie Southern region of Tamilnadu), naturally devoted to the lotus feet of Jagadguru, with punya gained through service in the Acharya’s previous Vyasa Puja. Many people of that region considered him an authority, and he was a leader of people, was endowed with courage, and was an ornament to the Sri Atmanatha temple. Taking refuge at Sri Jagadacharya’s lotus feet and after making many prostrations, he requested that this year’s Sri Vyasa Puja be conducted at Sri Atmanatha shrine and that all those there be blessed.
The great Acharya gave His blessing saying: “With your prior experience in carrying out such work,, nothing more needs to be said. May your desires be fulfilled according to Sri Chandramaulisvara’s will”. He too, went back to his village with great joy, began to do whatever was necessary for properly conducting the worship of Brahmins and other activities based on his prior experience.
Then this great Acharya, following the wishes of the people in Pattukkottai and spending a short time there, making a slight delay in the middle of the journey, quickly reached that pure shrine of Atmanatha.
There, groups of disciples devotedly requested at the feet of the great Acharya: “We pray that you perform the sacred Vyasa Puja, which gives punya to those who render service unto it, this year in this kshetra which is beautiful and especially purified due to the impurities of Kali being destroyed by Atmanatha Swami, and thereby bless the groups of devotees here.”
Then the venerable guru, reaching the suitable place prepared by the disciple Ekamra for His residence, followed all the rituals according to procedure.
The next morning, in the great outer pavilion near Vatapurisha’s shrine where Sri Vyasa Puja was to be performed in the radiant temple of Atmanatha, a charming place was arranged at dawn, beautifully decorated with jasmine, champaka, mallika and other flowers, filled with fragrance.
श्रीलोकगुरुशेखरोऽपि प्रातः चतुर्थघण्टासमये उत्थाय तद्दिवसकरणीयं स्वीयं विशेषानुष्ठानमखिलमपि यथाविधि परिसमाप्य साष्टघण्टासमये तत्तद्राजस्थानाद्यथा सम्प्रदायं सोपहारं प्रेषितैः सत्प्रतिनिधिभिः श्रीगुरुवरचरण-सरसिज-युगल-सहज-भव-भक्ति-गरिम-दृढ-गुण-समाकृष्टागत-प्रभुतल्लज-निकरैश्च तत्क्षेत्रं परितो विराजमानेभ्यो ग्रामसहस्रेभ्यः अत्यद्भुतम् अतिपवित्रतमं श्रीव्यासपूजामहोत्सवमालोक्य जन्मसाफल्यं सम्पादनीयमिति समायातैः बहुजनसमूहैः निरन्तरं कवचिते तत्क्षेत्रे राजकीयप्रधानाधिकारिभिः महता श्रमेण प्रदर्शितमार्गेण मन्दं मन्दं श्रीचन्द्रमौळीशसदनात् आत्मनाथालये सम्यगलङ्कृतं पूजामण्डपं प्रतिपद्य पूर्वं तत्तदेवस्थानादागतदेवताप्रसादान् यथाक्रमं परिगृह्य तदनुपूजामुपक्रम्य विधिवद्व्यतानीत् ।
The supreme lokaguru as well, rising at 4 o’clock in the morning and properly completing all the special ritual observances to be done that day, at 8:30, in that temple always full of many groups of devotees with official representatives sent with offerings according to tradition from various royal places and groups of prominent people drawn with steadfast and naturally great devotion to the great Acharya’s lotus feet, along with many from thousands of villages surrounding that shrine who had come thinking they should achieve the fulfillment of their birth by witnessing the extremely wonderful and most pure Sri Vyasa Puja, proceeding slowly along the path shown with great effort by the adhikaris and those in charge, reached the well-decorated worship pavilion in Atmanatha temple from Chandramaulisha shrine, first accepting in order the divine offerings that had come from various temples, then beginning the worship, Jagadguru performed it according to the rules.
सर्वान्व्यासमुखानृषीन्निजगुरून्संपूज्य भक्त्या भृशं
श्रीमदेशिकराडुपागतजनान्दूरात्प्रसादेप्सया ।
आलोक्याशु कृपारसार्दितमहापूतस्वदृष्ट्या मुदा
प्रादाच्छिष्यगणस्य सर्वफलदं व्यासप्रसादं तदा ॥ १७ ॥
इत्थं यथावदखिलान्यपि तत्र कृत्वा
श्रीचन्द्रमौलिविलसत्सदनं च तस्मात् ।
आगत्य पूजनमथाकलयच्छशाङ्क-
चूडस्य सर्वजनता परिसेव्यमानः ॥ १८ ॥
Seeing quickly with His great pure gaze moist with compassion to those who had come from afar desiring anugraham, worshipping with intense devotion all the sages beginning with Vyasa and His own guru-s, He then joyfully gave to the crowd of disciples Vyasa’s prasada that grants all fruits.
Thus having properly done everything there, from that radiant shrine of Sri Chandramauli, He performed worship of the moon-crested one (Shiva), being served by all people.
ततः, रात्रौ सार्धसप्तमघण्टासमये श्रीमदात्मनाथदर्शनाय सपरिवारः प्रतस्थे श्रीलोकगुरुवरः तत्र प्रधानाधिकारिणा सभक्तिश्रद्धमुपचर्यमाणः पूर्वं श्रीविघ्नेश्वरं संसेव्य पश्चात् कैलासमिव सविलासं बालदिनकरनिकरविराजमानदीपमालामण्डितं पुरोमण्डपमासाद्य भगवन्तं करुणानिधिं सुन्दरतरमिन्दुशेखरमन्तर्ध्यात्वा एवं स्तोतुमुपाक्रमत ।
Then, at 7:30 at night, the great Jagadguru set out with His attendants and others in charge for darshan of Sri Atmanatha. There, being served with devotion and faith by the chief attendant, first worshipping Sri Vighneshvara, then reaching the front pavilion adorned with rows of lamps shining like rays of the young sun, which was glowing like Kailasa, meditating internally on Bhagavan, the ocean of compassion, the beautiful moon-crested Shiva, He began to worship thus:
यया तव दृशा विभो भवजदुःखहन्त्र्याऽतनोः
विलोक्य सदनुग्रहं गिरिश वातपूरीशितुः ।
तया स दयया कदा महितयाऽऽत्मनाथ प्रभो
निरीक्ष्य वितनिष्यसे जनमिमं कृतार्थं भृशम् ॥ १९ ॥
अपि च,
असङ्ख्यसुरकोटिषु प्रविलसत्स्वपि त्र्यंबक
त्वमेव शरणं ममेति च विहाय सर्वान्सुरान् ।
गतं निकटमद्य मां त्यजसि चात्मनाथेश चेद्
भजेयमितरं कथं भवति वा दयालुश्च कः ।। २० ।।
O Bhagavan! Atmanatha! Destroyer of the sorrows of worldly existence, When will you with that same compassion by which you looked with grace at the dweller of Vatapuri (Manikkavachakar), make this person utterly fulfilled by looking at him?’
And also:
O Three-eyed one, though countless crores of devatas shine forth, if you, O Bhagavan Atmanatha, abandon me who has come near saying “You alone are my refuge” having given up all other devatas, How can I worship another, and Who else is as compassionate?
किं च,
शंभो वातपुरीश्वरेण गदितां श्रीपाण्ड्यमुद्दिश्य तां
वाचं पालयितुं विधाय सकलान्क्रोष्टॄन्हयानुत्तमान् ।
गत्वा तद्विलसद्गणैः सह मुदा वेदाश्वमारुह्य च
द्राक्तस्मै तुरगान्विभोऽर्पितवतः किं दुष्करं स्यात्तव ॥ २१ ॥
And furthermore:
O Shambhu, to keep up the words spoken by Vatavaoorar (Manikkavachakar) to the Pandya king, having arranged to turn all foxes to excellent horses that neigh, going joyfully with His shining attendants and mounting the horse of Veda What could be difficult for you who gave horses to him quickly?
ततः सकलभुवनजननीं योगाम्बिकानाम्नीं श्रीभगवतीम् अन्यान्यपि दैवतानि यथासम्प्रदायं संसेव्य श्रीचन्द्रमौळीश्वरनिवासगेहमभजत् । अपरेद्युःप्रभृति पञ्चषदिनानि देशान्तरादागतपण्डितमण्डलीभ्यः शास्त्रवाक्यार्थवर्णनसदुपन्यासादिकं च विधाय स्वग्रामं प्रतिजिगमिषून्विदुषः क्रमेण तत्तदुचितमर्यादानुग्रहदानपुरःसरं प्रैषिषदाचार्यवर्यः ।
Then, worshipping according to tradition the Mother of all worlds named Yogambika and other devatas, He reached Sri Chandramaulishvara’s residence. From the next day onwards for five or six days, after giving shastra vakyartha and upanyasas to groups of scholars who had come from other places, the venerable Acharya sent away the vidvans who wished to return to their villages, with appropriate honors and blessings.
अथ प्रतिदिवसमपि प्रातः पञ्चमघण्टासमये श्रीजगद्गुरुसार्वभौमः आलये यत्र देशे लोकोद्धारणार्थं करुणया श्रीपरमेश्वरः दक्षिणामूर्तिरूपमधिगम्य निवसन् पुण्यशालिभ्यः शिष्येभ्यः स्वयं तत्त्वोपदेशमकार्षीत् तादृशं पूततमं श्रीकुन्दवृक्षमूलं प्रतिपद्य काष्ठवद्विराजमानः एकान्ते अष्टमघण्टावधि किमपि तत्त्वं ध्यायन् समयं नीत्वा श्रीमदद्वैतवेदान्तभाष्यपठनाय सन्नद्धानामास्तिकशिष्य सार्थानां प्रार्थनया निशिततरनियमपूर्वकं तत्रैव दशघण्टापर्यन्तं तेभ्यो भाष्योपदेशं विधाय तदनु, क्रमेण श्रीमदात्मनाथादिदर्शनपूर्वकं स्वसदनं संप्राप्य श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वराराधनतत्परोऽभूत् ।
Then everyday at 5 o’clock in the morning, the supreme Jagadguru would reach that most pristine base of the tree where Lord Parameshvara, in the form of Dakshinamurti resided and himself gave upadesha to disciples who had done great punya out of compassion for uplifting the world. Sitting there under that pristine Kalala (Kunda tree?) motionless like a log in solitude until 8 o’clock spent time meditating on atmatattva. Then by the entreaty of devoted groups of disciples prepared for studying the bhashya of Advaita Vedanta, giving them upadesha on the bhashyam there itself until 10 o’clock following strict rules. Thereafter, after having darshan of Sri Atmanatha and others in order, reaching His residence, He became absorbed in the worship of Sri Chandramaulishvara.
इति स कुतुकमस्यामात्मनाथीयपुर्यां
भुवनगुरुवरोऽसौ सन्ततं वीतविघ्नम् ।
कलितनियमबृन्दो ध्याततत्त्वस्वरूपः
समयमगमयद्धि स्वीयशिष्यप्रपूज्यः ॥ २२ ॥
इत्थं कृपाभरजुषा गणपत्यभिख्य-
श्रीमद्गुरोर्मृडवधूकरुणाप्तिहेतोः ।
पञ्चापगेशकविना रचितेऽत्र चम्पू-
ग्रन्थे समाप्तिमगमत् स्तबको द्वितीयः ॥ २३ ॥
In this manner , in this city of Atmanatha, that supreme world teacher, with steadfast following of anushthanas, meditating on the nature of truth, worshipped by His disciples, spent time enthusiastically without obstacles
Thus in this Champu text composed by the poet Panchapagesha for obtaining the grace of Shiva’s consort (Parvati), through the grace of the celebrated Sri Guru Ganapati, the second chapter has reached completion.