
श्रीमदखिलाण्डेश्वरीताटङ्कप्रतिष्ठामहोत्सवचम्पूः-English -3


एकाम्रनाम्ना भृशभक्तिभाजा 
शिष्येण मासद्वयमादरेण । 
आराधितो लोकगुरूत्तमोऽसौ 
श्रीरामसेतुं प्रति यातुमैच्छत् ॥ १ ॥ 

Being devotedly and worshipped with reverence for two months  by the shishya named Ekaamra, that supreme Jagadguru wished to go towards Sri Rama Setu.

सद्यः श्रीजगद्गुरुवरः सर्वाधिकारिणमाहूय “भाविमहोदयपुण्यकाले सेतुस्नानमपि लभ्येतेति प्रतिभाति, तस्मात् श्वः विश्वरूपयात्रानन्तरं दक्षिणाशामुखेनैव विजययात्रा कार्या, सज्जीक्रियन्तां सर्वाण्यपि साधनानि” इति समादिशत् । सर्वाधिकारी तथैवेति तदाज्ञां शिरसि कृत्वा सज्जीकृतवान् सर्वमपि । 

Immediately the great Jagadguru called the chief administrator and commanded: “It appears that snaanam at Rama Setu can be performed during the upcoming auspicious time of Mahodaya. Therefore, tomorrow after the Vishvarupa procession, the vijaya yatra  should proceed southwards. Let all arrangements be made.” The chief administrator, bowing and accepting, prepared everything accordingly.

अन्येद्युर्नगरप्रदक्षिणकृते श्रीदेशिकेन्द्रो भृशं
शिष्यैरर्थित आत्मनाथचरणं संसेव्य पूर्वं ततः ।
एकाम्रादिमशिष्यलोकलषितं सम्पूरयन्तन्निशि
प्रातः प्रस्थितवान्निजैः परिजनैः श्रीरामसेतुं प्रति ॥ 

The next day, being earnestly requested by shishyas for a circumambulatory procession through the city, the great Jagadguru first worshipped Atmanatha’s feet, then fulfilling the request that night surrounded by shishyas like Ekamra, set out in the morning towards Sri Ramasetu with his attendants.

स्वेनैवागतभक्तशिष्यनिवहः श्रीदेशिकेन्द्रस्ततः 
रामस्थापितविघ्नराजमहितं क्षेत्रं प्रपद्यामलम् । 
स्थित्वा वासरयुग्ममत्र कुतुकात्संसेव्य विघ्नेश्वरं 
देवीपत्तननामकं प्रतिययौ क्षेत्रं प्रसिद्धं ततः ॥

Then the great Acharya, accompanied by groups of devoted shishyas who had come on their own, reached the pure shrine of Ganesha consecrated by Rama.  Staying here for two days and joyfully worshipping Vighneshvara, Hethen proceeded to the famous shrine named Devipattana.

आदिसेतुरित्याजगन्मण्डलं विख्यातं भगवता श्रीरामचन्द्रेण निर्विघ्नं पौलस्त्यस्य विजयाय सिन्धुतीरविरचितश्रीनवग्रहदेवतापूजनम् आतुषारगिरिशिखरात् अनवरतागतजननिकरनिबिडितं तत्क्षेत्रमासाद्य श्रीजगदाचार्यवर्यः स्वपूर्वाचार्यानुष्ठितक्रमानुसारं नवग्रहपूजादिकं यद्यत्तत्र कर्तव्यं तत्तद्यथाविधि विधाय दिनमनु समुद्रस्नानपवित्रान् तत्क्षेत्रवासिनः स्वकृतसुवर्णदानवर्षणेन अतिमहत्यानन्दसागरे निमज्जयामास । 

Reaching that shrine known throughout the world as Adisetu, where Bhagavan Sri Ramachandra performed worship of the navagraha devatas on the seashore for victory over Paulastya (Ravana),  without any obstacles, crowded with groups of people continuously coming from upto the Himalayas, the venerable Jagadguru performed whatever was to be done there like worship of the navagrahas according to the procedure followed by his purvacharyas, and daily immersed the residents of that shrine, purified by ocean bathing, in an extremely great ocean of joy through his shower of swarna daanam.

स्थित्वादिसेतौ जगतीगुरूत्तमः स्नानादिकं सर्वमपि स्वकृत्यम् । 
कृत्वानयत्तत्र दिनत्रयं हि विशुद्धचेता निखिलैश्च सेव्यः ॥ ४ ॥ 

Staying at Adisetu, the supreme Jagadguru performed all his duties like snaanam etc., spending three days there, pure in mind and served by all.

ततः प्रस्थितोऽतो जगद्देशिकेन्द्रो विलम्ब्यार्धमार्गे त्रयं वासराणाम् ।
अगादन्तिकं द्राक् स रामेश्वरस्य प्रशस्तैः समस्तैः स्वशिष्यैरुपेतः ।। ५ ।। 

Then setting out from there, the great Jagadguru, halting for three days midway, quickly reached near Rameshvara, accompanied by all his excellent shishyas.

तदानीं बहोः कालादारभ्य तत्रागत-जन-निचय-सानन्द-वर्णित-श्रीजगद्गुरु-शेखर-गुण-गण-समाकर्णन-सञ्जात-दृढभक्ति-प्रेरित-सिषेविषा-सहितैः “कदा आगमिष्यन्ति श्रीजगद्गुरुचरणाः? कदा वा वयं च तद्दर्शनेनात्मानं कुलं च पवित्रीकुर्मः? कदा वा तदीयसदुपदेशश्रवणेन अस्मादपारात्संसारपारावारात् उत्तरामः?” इति बहुविधचिन्तया सन्ततं सादरं चातकबृन्देनेव पयोदनिकुरुम्बं तदागमनं प्रतिपालयद्भिः तन्नगरसीमान्ते माकिं क्रोशदशकदूरे विराजमाने विश्वेश्वरालये पूर्वमेव सज्जीकृत-करि-तुरग-च्छत्र-चामर-वाद्यादि-बिरुद-पूर्णकुम्भ-माला-नालिकेर-कदली-फल-लिकुच-फलादि-मङ्गल-द्रव्य-भास्वर-स्वकरैः श्रीगुरुचरणागमनमार्गमावृत्य तिष्ठद्भिः निखिलै रामेश्वरवास्तव्यमहाजनैः तद्देशागतस्य श्रीजगद्गुरुमहास्वामिनः पूर्णकुम्भप्रदर्शनहारसमर्पणपूर्वकं चरणनलिनयोः अकारिषत नमांसि । 

For a long time, having heard about the virtues of Sri Jagadguru Shekhara from the joyful descriptions of people who had visited there, and being inspired by steadfast devotion, the people along with those who wished to serve him were constantly thinking: “When will Sri Jagadguru arrive? When will we purify ourselves and our families by his darshan? When will we cross this boundless ocean of samsara by listening to his sacred teachings?”

Like a group of chataka birds awaiting rain clouds, they were continuously and respectfully waiting for his arrival. At the Vishweshwara temple, located ten kroshas from the town’s boundary, having already prepared upachara-s like elephants, horses, royal umbrellas, ceremonial fans, musical instruments, and auspicious items including full water pots, garlands, coconuts, bananas, jackfruits and other fruits, all the residents of Rameshwaram stood lining the path of Sri Jagadguru’s arrival with these items held in their shining hands. When Sri Jagadguru Mahaswami arrived in that region, all the residents of Rameshwaram paid their respects at his lotus feet by presenting purnakumbham, garlands, and precious gems.

ततः उत्थाय, उत्तप्त-चामीकर-चारु-रुचि-परिहसन-पटुतर-शरीर-शोभाभरेण निज-कलेवराच्छादिताचिन्त्यामूल्यात्यद्भुत-पीताम्बर-भास्वर-तेजः-पुञ्जेन चाच्छादिताखिलदिगन्तप्रदेशं निसर्गनिस्सरत्-करुणा-प्रवाहार्द्रीभूत-दिव्य-कटाक्षालङ्कृतं श्रीजगद्गुरु-शिरोमणिमालोक्य क्षणमानन्द-सागर-निमग्नाः सर्वेऽपि चित्रलिखिता इव निःस्पन्दावयवाः अस्वाधीनचित्ताश्च बभूवुः ।

Then, rising up, upon seeing the crest jewel of Jagadgurus, whose physical splendour outshone the beauty of molten gold, who was covered in an extraordinarily precious saffron garment that adorned his form, whose brilliant radiance filled all directions, and whose divine glances were moist with naturally flowing streams of compassion – all people became immersed in an ocean of bliss for a moment, standing motionless as if in a painting, their minds no longer under their own control.

गुरुत्तमस्ततो महान्सुचित्तभक्तसन्ततिं 
सुधाझरीकिरत्कटाक्षवीक्षणेन सादरम् । 
निरीक्ष्य पावनां च तां विधाय मोदवारिधौ 
न्यमज्जयत्तदा सुधांशुशेखरावतारभाक् ॥ ६ ॥ 

Then that supreme Jagadguru, who is in the place of (Adi Shankara) the incarnation of (Shiva) who wears the moon on his crown, looking with respect upon the continuous line of devoted disciples and having purified the shishyas with glances showering nectar,  immersed them in an ocean of joy.

क्रमेण च महाजनागुरुवरं ज्वलद्दीपिका- 
सहस्रविलसन्महानगरवीथिमार्गेण ते । 
अनैषुरखिलार्चितं प्रथितरामनाथालय- 
प्रदक्षिणपुरस्सरं महति सज्जिते सद्गृहे ॥ ७ ॥ 

Gradually, those great people led the excellent Guru through the city streets illuminated by thousands of shining lamps, to a well-decorated grand house, after first circumambulating the renowned temple of Ramanatha, which is worshipped by all.

श्रीदेशिकेन्द्रं प्रणिपद्य भक्त्या । 
सन्तिष्ठते सर्वजनाय सोऽयं 
दत्त्वा प्रसादं स्वगृहं ह्यनैषीत् ॥ ८ ॥ 

Seated on that magnificent throne, the great Acharya received namaskarams. After giving his blessings to all the people, He sent them to their homes.

अन्येद्युः श्रीभुवनगुरुराट् तत्र विराजमानपुण्यतीर्थेषु यथाविधि स्नात्वा तत्र तत्रागतवैदिकभूसुरवृन्देभ्यः कनक-राङ्कव-पीताम्बरादि-दानेनाल्पित-सुरोद्यान-विद्योतमान-कल्प-महीरुहः अन्ततः श्रीरामनाथसन्निधौ देदीप्यमाने सकल-प्राणि-दुष्कर्म-जनित-दुरित-सन्तति-निःशेष-निर्मूलन-बद्ध-कङ्कणे अग्नितीर्थ इति नाम्नैव स्वस्मिन्स्नातानां  समस्तपापपलालानां भस्मीकरणे दक्षोऽहमिति स्पष्टमावेदयति प्राच्यां भास्वति पयोनिधावपि विधिवत्स्नात्वा तत्रापि स्वर्णपीताम्बरादीनि समर्प्य वैदिककुलेभ्यः स्वनिवासस्थानमवाप्य श्रीचन्द्रमौळीश्वरपूजायै उपाक्रमत । 

The next day, the King of Jagadgurus after bathing according to prescribed rules in the sacred waters there, seemed like a wish-fulfilling tree of svarga illuminating the celestial garden by giving daanam of gold, shawls, excellent clothes and other gifts to the groups of vaidika brahmanas who had gathered there. Finally, at the shrine of Shri Ramanatha, at the Agni Tirtha which shines brilliantly and clearly proclaims its skill in reducing to ashes all the accumulated hay-like paapams generated by the misdeeds of all beings, having bound myself to completely uproot the succession of sins of those who bathe in me”, and after properly doing snana  there too in the Eastern ocean, and offering gold, yellow silk garments and other items to the Vaidika families, Hereturned to his place of residence and commenced the worship of Sri Chandramaulishvara.

तस्मिन्नेव दिवसे तत्रस्थदेवस्थानप्रधानाधिकारिभिः सादरं श्रीस्वामिदर्शनार्थमागन्तव्यमिति संप्रार्थितः श्रीदेशिकेन्द्रः सायमष्टमघण्टोपरि श्रीरामनाथदर्शनार्थे सपरिवारः बहुशिष्यगणपरिवीतश्च स्वस्थानात्प्रस्थाय देवस्थानाधिकारिभिः पुरःप्रदर्शितसरणिः मन्दं मन्दं श्रीरामनाथालयम् आसाद्य महागणपतिदर्शनपूर्वकं श्रीरामनाथस्वामिसन्निधिम् आटीकत ।

On that same day, having been respectfully requested by the chief administrators of the temples there to come for darshan of Bhagavan, Shri Deshikendra set out from His residence after eight in the evening for darshan of Sri Ramanathaswami, accompanied by His retinue and surrounded by many shishyas. Following the path being shown by the temple administrators, He slowly approached the temple of Sri Ramanatha, and after first having darshan of Mahaganapati, He reached the shrine of Sri Ramanatha Swami.

सर्वेऽधिकारिपुरुषाः बाह्येऽतिष्ठन्हि मण्टपे चान्ये । 
एकान्ते गुरुराजः स्तोतुं श्रीरामनाथमारभत ॥ ९ ॥

All the officials and others stood in the outer mandapa. In solitude the supreme Jagadguru began to praise Shri Ramanatha.

स्वाराडादिसुपर्वशेखरमणिं नारायणार्च्याङ्घ्रिकं 
वीराग्रेसरमागमान्तरमणीहारायितप्राभवम् । 
पारावारभवं विषं विदधतं भूरादिदाहोन्मुखं 
तारानायकशेखरं स्मररिपुं श्रीरामनाथं भजे ॥ १० ॥ 

I worship Shri Ramanatha, who is the crown jewel in the head of devatas like Indra, whose feet are worshipped by Narayana, who is foremost among heroes, whose glory is like a necklace of inner (concepts that shine like) gems from the Agama-s, who consumed the poison that arose from the ocean that was ready to burn the earth and other worlds, who wears the moon as his crown, and who is the enemy of Manmatha.

जन्तूनां त्वं परमशिवसम्पालनायात्र लोके 
सञ्जातोऽभूः सहजकृपया रामनाथाभिधेन । 
योग्योऽयोग्योऽयमिति भवता चिन्तनां तां च हित्वा 
रक्ष्याः सर्वे न हि विमुखता युज्यते स्वीयधर्मे ॥ ११० 

You have appeared in this world with natural compassion under the name Ramanatha for the protection of the greatest auspiciousness for (all) beings. Abandoning the thought of ‘this one is worthy’ or ‘this one is unworthy’, all must be protected – indeed, turning away is not proper to your nature.

किं च – 

सकलभजनयोग्यं पार्वतीपुण्यभाग्यं 
निगमशिरसि मृग्यं योगिबृन्दैकभोग्यम् । 
धनपतिकृतसख्यं देवगोष्ठीषु मुख्यं 
भज हृदयसुविख्यं रामनाथाख्यमेनम् ।। १२ ।। 

Moreover – Worship Him, known as Ramanatha, who is worthy of devotion by all, who is Parvati’s blessed fortune, who is sought in the crown of the Vedas, who is the sole enjoyment of groups of yogis, who is a friend of Kubera (Lord of Wealth), who is foremost in the assembly of devatas, and who can be well seen in the heart. 

तस्माद्धिमगिरिवर-विरचित-सुचरित-निचय-परम्पराया इव मूर्तिमत्याः शारद-राका-निशोदयाकृश-शशाङ्करुचि-परिहसन-पटुतर-मुग्ध-निज-मुखारविन्द-भास्वर-सुन्दरतर-मन्दस्मितालङ्कृतायाः, करुणारस-वरुणालय-भक्तगण-परिरक्षणचण-वीक्षण-कोण-मनोहरायाः श्रीपर्वतवर्धनीनाम्न्याः सकलभुवनजनन्याः सन्निधिमधिगम्य श्रीशङ्करगुरुवरः यथावद्ध्यात्वा स्तुत्वा च ततो निष्क्रम्य प्रदक्षिणक्रमेण श्रीनटराजादिदेवतादर्शनमपि विधाय चण्डिकेश्वरानुमतिपूर्वकं निजावाससदनम् अयासीत् । 

Then, reaching the presence of Sri Parvatavardhani, the Universal Mother, who is like the embodiment of a series of good deeds performed by the great snow mountain (Himavaan ie appearing as his daughter), adorned with a gentle smile that makes her lotus face shine beautifully, outshining the luster of the full moon rising in the night of the Sharat Purnima, with enchanting glances from the corners of her eyes which are oceans of compassion and known for protecting devotees – Sri Shankara Guruvara, having properly meditated and praised her, then departed and, while circumambulating, had darshan of Sri Nataraja and other devatas, and with Chandikeshvara’s permission, returned to His residence.


यस्य दर्शनमात्रेण मुक्तिरित्युच्यते बुधैः । 
यद्देशगमना लोकाः मुच्यन्ते सर्वपातकैः ॥ १३ ॥ 
संसाराम्बुधिमग्नलोकनिवहाः कूलं प्रयातुं परं 
जात्यन्धा इव सन्ततं सुसरणेरज्ञानतस्तत्र च । 
कुर्वाणा भ्रमणं प्रयान्ति परमं पारश्च यत्स्नानतः ॥ १४ ॥

The next day: 

By whose mere sight mukti is attained, by travelling to which region people are freed from all sins, the wise say. 

Like people blind-from-birth constantly wandering from the good path due to ignorance, the masses of people submerged in the ocean of worldly existence, try to reach the far shore, while surrounded by hosts of evil manifesting as lust, anger, pride, etc., Yet by bathing there, they reach the supreme  shore. 

दुष्टग्रहाविष्टजना नितान्तं 
कष्टं वहन्तो बहुमन्त्रतन्त्रैः । 
श्रमं प्रपद्याधिकमन्ततो य- 
द्देशं गतास्ते सुखिनो भवन्ति ॥ १५ ॥ 

प्रायश्चित्ततैरप्यनिर्वत्या ये जनार्जिता दोषाः । 
यस्य स्पर्शनमात्रात्कलयन्ति पलायनं स्वयं ते हि ॥

People possessed by grahas that are ill-placed, bearing extreme suffering despite many mantras and tantras, Experiencing greater exhaustion – ultimately, they become happy upon reaching that place. 

Those faults acquired by people that cannot be removed even through acts of prayaschitta, the faults themselves take flight by the mere touch of that place.

तत्तादृशं सर्वसुखैकहेतुं 
श्रीरामसेतुं प्रति यातुकामः । 
प्रस्थाय तस्मात्सह सर्वलोकैः 
प्रापाशु तं देशिकसार्वभौमः ॥ १७ ॥ 

Desiring to proceed to that Sri Rama Setu, which is the sole cause of all happiness, setting out from there with all the people, the Jagadguru quickly reached that place. 

अनन्तरदिने च श्रीमहागुरूदयात्प्राक् स्वेनापि सज्जेन भवितव्यमिति मनीषयेव महोदयपुण्यकालेऽपि झटिति समागते सेतुस्नानकरणमेव महान्विशेषः तत्रापि महोदयपुण्यकाले स्नानं विशेषतरं ततोऽपि जगदाचार्यवर्यश्रीमहास्वामिसन्निधौ स्नानं विशेषतममित्यभिप्रायेण नानादेशसादरसमागतैः जनसहस्रनिचयैः क्षौद्रपटले मक्षिकबृन्दैरिव निरन्तरं कवचिते मार्गे निरवकाशे श्रीगुरुवरोऽपि उषःकालोचितं स्वीयनिखिलनियममपि यथावत् विधाय महता जनसङ्घेन साकं पूर्वमेव श्रीरामधनुष्कोटौ सज्जीकृतं नारिकेलपर्णनिर्मितम् अतिपवित्रतमं स्थानमभजत् । 

The next day, with a desire that they should get ready before the great guru , with the quick approach of Mahodaya Punyakala, Setu snana itself is sacred and that too more sacred during the Mahodaya Punyakala,  and that too  snana in the presence of the Jagadguru being even more special, crowds of people who had arrived from various places, on streets crowded like honey bees in a honey comb, the Guru also completed all the anushthanas at dawn that had to be done at the appropriate time, along with the people came for the snanam where the people had already assembled with coconuts.

श्रीगुरूत्तमस्तदा महोदयाभिधे दिने 
पूर्वपश्चिमोज्ज्वलत्समुद्रयोश्च सङ्गमे । 
सचापकोटिनामके स्वभृत्यवर्गवेष्टितो 
मुहुर्मुहुर्न्यमज्जदात्तकौतुको यथाविधि । १८ ।। 

The most-excellent among gurus on that day known as Mahodaya, in the confluence of the Eastern and Western ocean named Dhanushkoti surrounded by His attendants repeatedly inmersed himself enthusiastically as per the procedure.

ततः तत्तीर्थमध्यात्पुञ्जीभूतैरिव राजतचूर्णैः अतिपवित्रतमैः अच्छाच्छसिकतासमूहैः भासमानं तत्कूलप्रदेशमासाद्य परिगृहीतशुष्कशाट्यन्तरः श्रीजगदाचार्यवर्यः तत्कालोचितं स्वीयमनुष्ठानं विधिवन्निर्वत्य तत्र संमिलितानां विद्वन्मणीनां भूसुरनिकराणां यथार्हं कौशेयपीताम्बर-कम्बल-कनकादीनि बहूनि दानानि कृत्वा अवशिष्टेभ्योऽपि सर्वेभ्यः प्रधानाधिकारिमुखेन बहूनि दानान्यकार्षीत् । एवं श्रीगुरुवरनवमेघवर्षितं सुवर्णादिकमधिगतवन्तः सकला लोका इत्थं स्तोतुमुपाक्रमन्त ।

Then, from the middle of that tirtha, reaching that place which glitters with pristine white sand as if like silver powder, performing all the anushtanas that one must perform and giving dana of silk, excellent cloth and other materials to the brahmanas and gems among vidvans and through the Sarvadhikari gave danam to all the others as well. Looking at the dana showered by the Jagadguru like a fresh rain cloud, everyone praised thus:

भोजो नाम पुरा बभूव नृपतिः दाता कवीनां परं 
कश्चित् किञ्चिदिति क्वचिद् विलिखितो ग्रन्थे परं दृश्यते । 
लोकाचार्यवराभिधोऽयमधुना भूमौ नवीनाम्बुदः 
सर्वेषामपि वाञ्छिताधिकमहो स्वर्णाम्बु संवर्षति ॥ 

There was once a king named Bhoja, known as the supreme patron of poets – This is merely something seen written somewhere in some book. But this  Jagadguru Supreme is now a new cloud on earth who, amazingly, showers  gold exceeding everyone’s desires.

अन्ये च, 

महोदय इतीरिते महितपुण्यकालेऽधुना 
समस्तकलुषच्छिदि प्रथितरामसेताविह । 
विधाय किल मज्जनं तदुचितञ्च लब्धं फलम् ।। 

And others,

Now at this glorified auspicious time called Mahodaya,
At the famous Ramasetu  which destroys all papams,
Near the Jagadguru Supreme who shines with Shiva’s glory,
We have indeed performed our bath and obtained its proper fruit.

इतरे च, 

श्रीकाञ्चिकामकोटीशाः जगद्गुरुवरा इमे ।
महान्तः सर्वदा भान्तु स्वदानाल्पितकल्पकाः ॥ 

And yet others,

May these Jagadgurus, the heads of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam, These great ones, always shine, becoming wish-fulfilling trees through their gifts.

इत्याद्यनेकप्रकारं वर्णितनिजरवमुखरितनिखिलदिङ्मुखाः सकललोकाः श्रीमदाचार्यवर्यचरणसरोजयुगलं प्रणम्य लब्धतदीयदिव्यानुग्रहाः स्वस्वनिवासस्थानमवापुः । श्रीगुरुशेखरोऽपि तस्मन्निर्गत्य श्रीचन्द्रमौलीश्वरसदनं प्रतिपद्य यथाक्रमं पूजोपक्रममतानीत् । 

Thus in many ways, all the people, making all directions resound with their  praise, bowed to the lotus feet pair of the excellent Sri Acharya, and having received his divine grace, returned to their respective residences. Sri Gurushekara too, departing from there and reaching Sri Chandramaulishwara’s abode, began the worship as per procedure.

अथ तत्रैव धनुष्कोटौ स्थित्वा प्रतिवासरं सेतुस्नानपूर्वकं नवरात्रमहोत्सवपूजां सानन्दं सविशेषञ्च विधाय तत्रत्यानां सर्वेषामप्यभ्यधिकां मुदमुत्पादयामास श्रीदेशिकेन्द्रः। 

Then, staying there at Dhanushkoti itself, the master of teachers brought great happiness to all the locals by joyfully and specially performing the Navaratri festival worship daily, preceded by bathing in the Setu.

सारस्वतं पूजनमत्र कृत्वा परेद्युरस्मात्स महान्गुरूत्तमः । 
निर्गत्य रामेश्वरपूर्निवासि-लोकार्थितः तत्पुरमाप तूर्णम् ॥ २२ ॥

Having performed the Saraswati puja there,
The next day, that great supreme Guru,
Departing at the request of the people
Living in Rameshwaram, quickly reached that city.

तत्र स्थितार्यनिकरैः समहाजनैश्व 
संपूर्णभक्तिभरितैर्निजशक्तियोग्यम् । 
सर्वैरपूज्यत महागुरुराट् स्वकीय 
वाचाझरीभिरखिलान् समतोषयच्च ।। २३ ।। 

There by the assembled noble ones and great people,
Filled with complete devotion, according to their ability,
The great king of Gurus was worshipped by all,
And He satisfied everyone with streams of his words. 


नटेशार्य इति ख्यातः मधुरापुरभूषणम् । 
गुरुपादाब्जसेवायै प्राप रामेश्वरं पुरम् ॥ २४ ॥ 

At that time:
A person  known as Nateshayyar  an ornament of Madhurai city, reached the city of Rameshwaram to serve the lotus feet of the Guru.

सद्यः श्रीगुरुपादवन्दनकृते साकं सुपुष्पैः फला-
न्यदाय प्रथमं निवेद्य तदनुज्ञातस्तदीयान्तिकम् ।
प्राप्तः पुष्पफलानि तत्र च नयन् श्रीमान्नटेशः प्रभुः
साष्टाङ्गं प्रणिपातनं समतनोदानन्दपूर्णान्तरः ॥ 

Having first offered fruits along with good flowers
For worshipping Sri Guru’s feet, and then being permitted near him,
The illustrious  Natesha, bringing flowers and fruits there,
Performed saashtaanga namaskaram his heart filled with joy.

श्रीगुरुवरः प्रणम्योत्थाय सभक्तिश्रद्धं साञ्जलिबन्धं च तिष्ठन्तं तं नटेशार्यम्  अनवरत-निसर्ग-निष्यन्दि-करुणा-प्रवाह-विराजमान-निज-कटाक्ष-वीक्षणस्य पात्रीकृत्य कोमलतराल्प-मन्दस्मितालङ्कृतमुखारविन्दः ‘अपि कुशलम्’ इत्यप्राक्षीत् । 

Sri Guruvara, looking at Nateshayyar who stood with devotion and respect, hands folded, after bowing and rising. He made him the recipient of his glance flowing with natural endless streams of compassion, and with a gentle slight smile adorning his lotus face, asked “Is all well?”

नटेशार्यः – तत्र भवदव्याजानुग्रहाचरमभाजनीभूतानामस्मादृशानामकुशलमिति वार्तायाः का प्रसक्तिः ।
श्रीगुरुवरः – किमधुना मधुरात एव आगमनम् ? 
नटेशार्यः – तस्मादेवागच्छामि
श्रीगुरुवरः – द्वित्राणि वासराणि सहैव स्थातुं शक्यते वा 
नटेशार्यः – सर्वदा श्रीमद्भिः साकमेव स्थातव्यमित्येवाभिप्रायः तथापि लौकिककर्मपिशाचिकया बलात्समाकृष्टः मदीयाभिप्रायानुसारं श्रीमदाज्ञामनुष्ठातुमशक्नुवन् अपराधी भवामि
श्रीगुरुवरः – सर्वेऽपि कर्मवशगा एव तत्रापि बहुजनोपकारपराणां गृहस्थमार्गावलम्बिनां कथं कर्म त्यक्तुं शक्यते ? अत एव “नहि देहभृता शक्यं त्यक्तुं कर्माण्यशेषतः” इति गीताचार्येणापि वर्णितम्। नापराधलेशोऽपि। किं भवत्यन्यो निवेदनीयांशः?
Nateshayyar:  For the likes of  us who have become the ultimate recipients of your grace that flows without any reason how can there be any question of not being well?
Shri Guruvara: Have you come directly from Madura now?
Nateshayyar: Yes, I come from there only.
Shri Guruvara: Can you stay together for two or three days?
Nateshayyar: My intention is to stay with Your self  always, but forcibly pulled away by the demon of worldly duties, I become guilty of being unable to follow your  commands according to my wishes.
Shri Guruvara: All are indeed bound by karma. And especially for householders dedicated to helping many people, how can karma be abandoned? That’s why even the teacher of the Gita declared ‘It is impossible for embodied beings to completely abandon actions.’ There is not even a trace of offence.. Is there anything else to be conveyed?

नटेशार्यः – नास्त्यधिकं निवेदनीयं अथापि किश्चित् विज्ञापये। बहोः कालादारभ्य तत्रभवत्सन्निधौ असकृन्निवेदितो मदीयमनोरथोऽधुना सफलीकरणीय इति
श्रीगुरुवरः – ‘कोऽसौ मनोरथः ?’ 
नटेशार्यः – 
मधुरा मधुरा कार्या धन्याश्च जनसञ्चयाः । 
श्रीमतां विजयेनेति या कृता प्रार्थना च सः ॥
श्रीगुरुवरः – तत्रत्याः सर्वेऽपि श्रीमठागमनमभिलषन्ति वा ?
नटेशार्यः – प्रायः सोत्सुकाः प्रतिपालयन्ति श्रीमतां विजयम्
श्रीगुरुवरः – “श्रीताम्रपर्णीतीरविराजत्पुण्यतीर्थक्षेत्रस्नानदर्शनार्थं गम्यते ; तन्नगरमार्गेणैव प्रयातव्यमिति भाति ; तदानीं तत्र द्वित्राण्यहानि विलम्बनेन भवत्प्रार्थनां सार्थां कुर्मः” इति न्यवेदयत् । 
नटेशार्यः – अधुनैव धन्योऽस्मि इतः प्रभृति श्रीमद्विजययात्रां प्रतीक्षमाणा भवामः । 
श्रीगुरुवरः – वारद्वयानन्तरमेव तत्रागन्तुं शक्येतेति प्रतिभाति । 
नटेशार्यः – श्रीमतां सौकर्यानुसारं भवतु (इत्युत्थाय प्राणंसीत्)
श्रीगुरुवरः – किमिदानीमेव गन्तव्यम्? 
नटेशार्यः – श्वः अवश्यं तत्र स्थातव्यं साम्प्रतमेव धूमशकटागमनसमयः श्रीमदाज्ञानुसारं कर्तुं सज्जोऽस्मि । 
श्रीगुरुवरः – तदधुनैव याहि दीयते प्रसादः ; रे कृष्ण, आनीयतां प्रसादः 
कृष्णः – (तथा करोति)

Nateshayyar: Not too much more to convey. Yet I wish to submit something. For a long time, I have repeatedly submitted my heart’s desire in your presence – it should now be fulfilled.
Shri Guruvara: “What is that desire?”

“That Madura should be made sweeter
And its people blessed
By Your vijaya yatra 
This is the prayer that was made.”

Shri Guruvara: Do all the people there desire the Matam’s arrival?
Nateshayyar:  Almost all eagerly await Your Holiness’s victorious arrival.
Shri Guruvara: We are going for bathing and darshan at the holy sites along the sacred Tamraparni river. It appears we should proceed via that city’s route. Then we shall fulfill your prayer by staying there for two or three days.
Nateshayyar: “I am blessed right now itself. From now on, we shall await Your vijaya yatra.  
Shri Guruvara: It appears we can come there after two weeks.
Nateshayyar: “Let it be according to Your  convenience,” he said, rising and bowing.
Shri Guruvara: Are you leaving right now?
Nateshayyar: I must definitely be there tomorrow. Right now is the time for the train’s arrival. I am ready to act according to Your command.
Shri Guruvara: Proceed right away. Prasadam will be given. Hey Krishna, bring the prasadam.
Krishna: (does so)

श्रीगुरुवरः नटेशार्यमाहूय तं प्रसादमर्पयति स्म । सोऽपि गृहीत्वा वन्दनपूर्वकं प्राप्तानुज्ञः स्वनगरममगात् ।
Shri Guruvara, having called Nateshayyar, gave him the prasadam. He too, having received it and bowing, obtained permission and went to his city.

रामेश्वरे गुरुवरः स महान्समस्तै- 
राराधितो दिवसपञ्चकमादरेण । 
संसेवनेन समयं गमयेत्समोदम् ।। २७ ।। 

At Rameshwaram, that great supreme Guru,
Worshipped by all with respect for five days,
Spent time joyfully worshipping the holy waters
and Sri Ramanatha’s lotus feet.

इत्थं कृपाभरजुषा गणपत्यभिख्य 
श्रीमद्गुरोर्मृडवधूकरुणाप्तिहेतोः । 
पञ्चापगेशकविना रचितेऽत्र चम्पू- 
ग्रन्थे समाप्तिमगमत्स्तवकस्तृतीयः ॥ १८ ॥ 

Thus in this Champu text composed by
The poet Panchapagesha, filled with the weight of grace,
For obtaining the compassion of Shiva’s consort
From the illustrious Guru known as Ganapati,
The third chapter has come to an end.