Ashrama Name: Shri Sacchidvilasendra Sarasvati
Birth Place: Kanyakubja
Purvashrama Name: Shripati
Purvashrama Father’s Name: Kamaleshvara
Years as Pithadhipati: 33
Siddhi: 3973 Nandana Vaishakha Shukla Chaturdashi (CE 0872-Apr-29) at night
Other: This Acharya had followed His Guru, Shri Abhinava Shankara, to the Dattatreya Guha in the Himalaya-s when the latter was about to end His worldly life. Due to extreme devotion to His Guru, He wanted to follow His Guru into the Guha, rejecting the world behind Him. But Shri Abhinava Shankara sent Him back as His duty to the world was greater.
The well known Alankarika (scholar of poetry and literature) Ananda Vardhana (CE 820-890), who had composed the famed work Dhvanyaloka, was a contemporary of this Acharya. He and many such great scholars of this time held this Acharya in high esteem and sought His presence and guidance. Surrounded by such scholars the Acharya spent much time in Padmapura (exact location uncertain).
Finally the Acharya returned to Kanchipuram to the Shrimatham.Shlokas
श्रीसर्वज्ञसदाशिवबोधेन्द्रकृता पुण्यश्लोकमञ्जरी
कान्यकुब्जकमलेश्वरात्मजः श्रीपतिः श्रितयमश्च शङ्करात्।
अध्युवास गुरुपीठम् अश्रमं बाल(३३)वर्षधृतिशील आश्रमी॥८१॥
आनन्दवर्धनमुखैः अभिरूपवर्यैः आराधिताङ्घ्रिः अधिपद्मपुरं चिराय।
अध्युष्य काञ्चिम् उपगम्य च नन्दनाब्दे सिद्धिं गतो निशि नृसिंहजयन्तिकायाः॥८२॥
॥ श्रीसदाशिवेन्द्रसरस्वतीश्रीचरणविरचिता जगद्गुरु-रत्न-माला ॥
अनु-पद्मपुरं चिराय तिष्ठन् ध्वनिकारादि-बुधाश्रितो व्रतिष्ठः ।
पुनरञ्चितकाञ्चिरस्तु पक्षे मम सच्चिच्छिखरो विलासभिक्षुः ॥ ६७ ॥
॥ पञ्चषष्टितमैः पीठाधिपतिभिः श्रीमत्सुदर्शनमहादेवेन्द्रसरस्वतीश्रीचरणैः प्रणीतः श्री-काञ्ची-कामकोटि-पीठ-जगद्-गुरु-परम्परा-स्तवः ॥
(३९-४०) सच्चिद्विलासयोगीन्द्रं महादेवेन्द्रम् उज्ज्वलम् ।